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Astrology of people born on

طالع بینی متولدین دی

The general personality of people born on the day

Having a great personality, very competent and skilled, the best boss, fierce avenger, simple and clean, cautious, calm and patient, man of action, powerful, tolerant, serious and ambitious, active and diligent, realistic, Rebellious, money-loving, does not waste energy in vain, uses his own and others’ experiences well, with honor and conscience, clean, self-sufficient and profit-seeking, with a great sense of responsibility, enemy of extravagance and extravagance, calculating, against luxuries, dignified and Official, good organizer, almost a politician, diligent and confident and cool-headed, possessive, owns his wife, jealous and pessimistic, hates divorce, lacks enough self-confidence, power-seeking, family-friendly, dry, but kind, harsh, possessive Biting tongue, happy and cheerful, with a roaring inner, unforgivable, appreciative, sometimes shy, disciplined, grumpy and bad-necked, possessing Hafiz. Strong, comes to work early and leaves late, hates laziness, likes doctors and medicine, calm and persistent, steady, automatic, religious, good listener and sometimes stubborn.

General astrology for those born on December

You were born when the sun was in the month of January, your guiding planet is Saturn, and the element of your being is earth or soil. The combination of these factors has given you a great brain. Although it must be said that your thinking is more than quick. It is with meditation. The star of December, Saturn, is like discipline and is very influential and influential, this star is also known as the teacher of the stars. Above all, this star wants you to be precise, move according to the conditions, use the opportunities well and proceed with the previous plan. Moving with this star will make you achieve all your desires and hopes in life. One of the most successful people born in this month is the second billionaire in the world, who has a lot of money, fame and prosperity. The Saturn star is determined to lead you to success and fulfill all your wishes.

Stay with your dignity to the fishes; In order to satisfy their desires, those born in December must first organize their thoughts and minds so that their attention and attention are focused on a specific issue. Appearance is very important to them, so in order to reach their heart, you have to find out what they like and then make yourself like that. They are very interested in their work and you should also give great importance to their job and profession. They want to receive gifts, but they are only excited to receive expensive gifts; Never, under any circumstances, break their nerves because they become very angry and angry and their outbursts of anger are uncontrollable. They act very slowly in accepting any responsibility and commitment, so be patient. When you are with them in a group, be careful of their actions and behavior, because they hate being embarrassed and ashamed in front of others. Always and under any circumstances, stick to the promise you make with them and don’t break your promise.

You have the competence and capacity of strong and deep thoughts, your thinking is systematic and highly organized, so that it gives you a privileged image of strength and trustworthiness that distinguishes you from most of the other moons of the zodiac. Before you speak, you carefully weigh every word and your opinion is usually very valuable when it is formed. They accept questions. When you are completely sure about a subject, you should follow it to the end. Because it is difficult to understand your nature, it is possible that the number of your true friends in life is very few. Of course, there are those who praise your qualities, but these are different from true friends, although the few friends that exist in your life will be loyal and sincere. And sometimes they even go to the point of fanaticism. When there are problems that seem unsolvable, you should consult with these friends.

Your nature is created in such a way that you should always try to avoid depression and despair. The sign of the moon is the goat, and like this stubborn animal, you sometimes have a tendency to bang your head against a stone wall. You are stubborn, determined, and sometimes irrational, probably the greatest. Your problem is that you impose the greedy opinion on others that they also have rights for themselves. You should stand up against wasting your energy trying to change things that cannot be changed and move things that cannot be moved. As mentioned, these are wonderful qualities. You have to lead. You can arrange people’s work or run a business for yourself. Of course, it is better to avoid jobs that require quick judgment and quick thinking. You must constantly work for economic independence. This For Mike, it is an unpleasant obligation to inform you that the planet Saturn often creates “discomfort, obstacles and delays” in your plan, this planet sometimes produces important and difficult disturbances in the first years of life, especially in relation to your parents, and sometimes it makes you hesitant about your relatives, which is very important for you. It is important to take care of your health and be very careful about accidents. You have this readiness to impose unnecessary responsibilities on your relatives. Be careful not to be abused by those who do not deserve it.

Horoscope for a man born on December

Pisces men are often introverted and prevent their emotions from showing up. You have to put in a lot of effort to have a Pisces wife because in many ways she is an ideal husband. Being liked by a Pisces man is not an easy task. Men born in December are power-hungry, family-friendly, introverted and cold, and quiet and low-key in love. A Pisces man is a serious and dry but kind and compassionate father, at the same time he is somewhat harsh and very determined. He prefers status to wealth.

Although at the beginning it seems that he wants to stay away from others and isolate himself, but with a little attention you will see that he is very ambitious and fame-loving. This duality can also be seen in his love affairs, in such a way that even though he is a hard dreamer, the planet Saturn is the ruler of his actions and behavior and like a strong brake stops him from expressing his feelings. p>

This planet constantly asks the Pisces man to be a calm, practical and serious person, which is contrary to his natural characteristics and sometimes does things that arouse the surprise of those around him.

He has a sharp and biting tongue, but he has no special intention to express these unpleasant words and sentences, and after a while, he tries to correct and refer to such sentences.

By stepping into the inner solitude of the man of the moon, surprisingly, in his body is a person full of joy and happiness, and subject to golden dreams and longing to achieve unrestricted and limitless freedoms that all these desires and wishes to You will see that it remains hidden in his existence and rarely appears.

At the beginning of your acquaintance with a man born on the day, you may think that he prefers to reach a high position over everything else and choose a high position between you and a high position, but with a little patience and patience, you will realize You will judge yourself wrongly. You can see what a warm and loving heart is beating in his chest. By understanding this, it is better to limit yourself to what you have been arrested for.

A man born on the day rarely confesses his love, so never expect his speech and behavior to reflect this inner choice.

Men born in the month of January pretend that they never need compliments and sometimes they prevent them from showing their deep satisfaction and happiness from hearing compliments, but in fact they want it with all their heart. Tell them what a good, smart, handsome, desirable and interesting man they are.

A Pisces man prefers power and status to wealth and sees wealth as a means to gain power and fame. He really wants to be a general manager and minister rather than a rich but unknown businessman.

Emotional affairs of a man born on the day

A Pisces man can easily approach women and communicate with them, this does not mean that he is a lustful man, but he is just looking to find his ideal woman. This type of men in January are very rare, but if such a case happens to you, it is better to get information about him first.

A man born on the day never marries on a whim, and for this reason, it rarely happens that he separates from his wife. According to available statistics, divorce is much less common in men born on the day than those born in other months, however, never put him in this dead end.

If one day you make a mistake and he comes to the conclusion that you are not a suitable wife, then he will never give you a second chance and will immediately end his relationship with you.

Each stage of married life for these men is accompanied by calculations. In the first years of life, you will be really surprised by the orderliness of such a man, he writes a paper to his parents every week on a certain day and time, he calls some of his people on a certain day and time, at tea time. Or he drinks coffee, he always hangs his clothes on the left or right side of the closet, and he waxes his shoes on a certain day of the week, and in short, order flows exactly in everything he does. p>

This man is very attached to his home, family and relatives, and family customs, and he expects you to be interested in your family and him as he is. Even after marriage, you should show respect and love to her relatives. If you are an independent person and do not pay much attention to customs, you should not choose this man.

Despite knowing Pisces men in emotional affairs, don’t be too surprised if he doesn’t fall in love with you again because he is shy when it comes to love. Even though he likes you, he can’t reveal his feelings easily.

He can have a great job, make a lot of money, but when it comes to love, he suddenly changes. Because he does not trust easily. He thinks that a woman who likes him will pay attention to him, so you should approach him.

You should not do these things for a man born on the day:

  • Don’t try to change him. If you can’t accept him as he is, give up on this relationship altogether.
  • If he prefers to be silent and quiet, don’t try to force him to be in crowded and noisy groups.
  • Don’t try to be curious about his secret matters.

Paternal role in a man born on the day

The father of Di Mahi asks his children to be disciplined and obedient, in return, he responds positively to requests such as buying a bicycle or throwing a big birthday party, even if it is difficult to fulfill these requests. A father born on the day takes care of his children’s behavior and actions and does not forget anything.

It seems a bit dry and formal. Your duty to improve this procedure is to constantly remind him not to have a dry and formal behavior with the children and on the other hand, teach the children not to fail to express their love for their father, because he is thirsty for respect and affection. And paying tribute to him strengthens his self-confidence.

As a father, he is really a passionate boss and feels himself at the head of the family, and this feeling is not subject to time and place; This means that whether at the dinner table at home or on the table that is spread on the desert grass during a family outing, he sits on top of the table and maintains his superior position.

Horoscope for a woman born on December

In short, it can be said that a woman born in January is very ambitious, a little stubborn and quick-tempered, a code lady, orderly, well-groomed and well-dressed. His ultimate goal is always to provide life, gain respect and gain authority, and enjoy impressive positions. From a social point of view, he is extremely polite and polite. Women born in January are usually cheerful, articulate, modest, art lovers and sometimes artists and often in prosperity and comfort. They must avoid backbiting and false swearing, otherwise they will face a big problem. If they want to have the love and attention of others, they should love them. They can overcome dangers by remembering God and trusting in Him. Blue and green clothes will suit these people.

With her special discipline and determination, a Pisces woman can take the leadership position of parties and charitable institutions. It can adapt itself to any job. That is, he can be in charge of a section of a museum or an opera singer or a supermarket salesman or a school teacher or a housewife with problems.

Girls and women born in January care a lot about their appearance, even if she is a simple worker’s daughter, every time you meet her, you will see her with such a look and behavior as if she were in a family. He grew up rich and went to the best schools, even if he needed to slap himself in the face. This characteristic will remain with him even after marriage.

In women and girls born on the day, one can find a kind of fear of the future, concern for the present and regret for the past, the effect of which is well known in their behavior and actions. Maybe that’s why he doesn’t like jokes. If she befriends a boy at a young age, she will have no other goal than marriage. He is extremely afraid of the future and cannot have a moment of ease. He is never a dreamer, and as long as he considers a boy to be mentally and financially reliable, he uses all his possibilities to marry him.

From a social point of view, he is very basic of manners and manners, as soon as he enters a group, he quickly understands the situation there and takes appropriate behavior. A woman born on the day has a special charm and has her own beauty. But she is always afraid that her husband will prefer another beautiful woman to her or that she will look ugly in his opinion. For this reason, if your friend or wife is a woman born on the day, you should continuously make her sure that she is beautiful.

He is very interested in his parents and siblings, so don’t think about breaking this emotional relationship because if you insist too much and narrow the field for him, he will be forced to leave you.

Emotional affairs of a woman born on the day

Marrying a Di Mahi girl means marrying her entire family. When his parents get sick and need care, he becomes their full-time nurse and may leave you alone for a long time.

Di Mahi girl is a life partner in the true sense of the word, she rushes to your help in times of need and crises with all her heart without the slightest objection and is ready to shoulder the burden of the family, both financially and emotionally. .

He will never come between you and your family. If your parents have financial needs, no woman will consider your help as natural as her. He is so interested in family relationships that if you take him home one day before marriage and introduce him to your parents, after a while you will see that he has practically become a member of your family and with his good behavior In the shortest time, he can open a place in your family’s heart.

Her appearance is much calmer and quieter than what is shown inside her. Contrary to the appearance of calmness, she is very emotional. Of course, all women are delicate and emotional, but the woman born on the Day is much more subject to her emotions. In fact, he does not have a specific temperament, and if he is disrespected or disrespected, he will be very annoyed and may feel bitter for many days.

Perhaps it is an interesting point that most of the girls born in January marry weak and sometimes cowardly men and in this way they become the breadwinners of the house. They also feel fatherly. If you come across a woman walking fast in the store and her husband is hurrying after her with her shopping bag in his hand, you are sure to have seen a woman born on the day.

Some girls born on the day also marry men who climb the ladder of success one after the other, they are always proud of their husband, to prove this claim, if they meet an old man in their next visit to the bank You can see the pension book with his beautiful granddaughter, don’t be mistaken, that beautiful young lady is his wife and must have been born on the day. Women born on the day love middle-aged men very much and sometimes think about the age difference of 30 years in marriage. They want a husband who will be a father to them.

Maternal role in a woman born on the day

Mothers born in the month of December put all of their grief into working for the family and expect the rest of the family members to accompany them in this hard effort. They strongly feel responsible towards their family members, and of course, sometimes this sense of responsibility is so extreme that the rest of the family may get upset! However, it should not be forgotten that mothers born in December not only do not intend to harm their family members, but they are trying to lead the family to success with these strictures, even though they sometimes overdo it! Mothers born on the day usually like strictness and do not feel any problem with the rules they impose for their family and especially for their children. Sometimes this feeling is so strong in them that they prefer to replace the rules with their feelings and that’s exactly why they don’t express their feelings, although sometimes they would like to express their feelings in front of their children, but they stop themselves. . Sometimes it is better to let emotions take the place of all those dry rules in a completely natural way. Don’t forget that your relationship is that of a mother and a child, and in such a relationship, breaking the rules every now and then is not only okay but also necessary.

D mothers have interesting characteristics. They teach their children how to value money. They teach them how to keep their promises. In fact, these mothers are the first and most powerful role in their children’s lives. As a result, their children always respect them. However, the older these children grow, the more they understand the value of the education given to them by mothers born on the day. It is natural for these children to be grateful.
Although mothers born on the day are not very fond of cuddling their children, but maybe if they know that they can establish a warmer relationship with their children in this way, they may change the previous practice. Children really need their parents’ hugs. To feel their caress and kindness on their heads, so don’t look for excuses to hug them. Hug and kiss your children every now and then and let them stay in your arms as long as they want to feel calm and safe. You are a perfect mother who teaches discipline to children and gives them your immense love.

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